Guten Morgan
(Good Morning in German)
I've decided to try to learn a new German word or phrase daily..TRY..being the key word :o) It's definitely easier compared to the Korean language but still has its many difficulties. I figure it's best to get a head start that way when I'm lost, I can say it, Ha!
Hope everyone's week has started off swell, it's Tuesday night now..this week is moving right along. Don't know about you but I'm already looking forward to Friday!
For our anniversary (4 years ALREADY, can't even believe it) last week..or was it 2 weeks ago, LOL. We went to the top of Seoul Tower to the revolving restaurant. Definitely the best & highest view of the entire city. The restaurant does a complete rotation once every 1 and 1/2 hours. It was just amazing. To give you an idea of Seoul Tower here it is from a distant view...the little lit needle-looking-thing is it. We were at the verrrry top. It is a French restaurant, and yes, an actual person from France is the Head Chef :)
This is the view from the top restaurant..or just for 10 minutes at least :) Seoul looks like this alllll the way around.
It was an amazing dinner & overall experience. The food was AWESOME and it was definitely a one-of-a-kind anniversary! Getting there is a bit tricky, it involved the bus, a subway, and an ELECTRIC bus. Yes, and in case you're wondering..the battery literally died as we were going up a hill. It was hilarious to say the least. We were able to jump off and catch another bus right behind it..also electric but thankfully the battery was charged :)
Here's a picture after dinner..wanted to get what a typical subway sign looks like inside. Of course Mike hates pictures so he refused!
In Manhattan, the subways were just plain disgusting. Seoul's subways..not so much. It is PACKED with cafes, restaurants, fancy face-care products, you name it. It actually ends up being horrible because your shopping temptations are allllllways alive!
Korea's James Bond movie poster. Thought this would be interesting and almost a little funny!
Us before we left...
The fall leaves are sooo pretty but almost gone :o( I think I'm more sad because I know winter is on its way!
Last pictures I promise...this is the tower right before we got back on the electric bus (I didn't die that time :) ). And the second is a view from our table.
I hope the rest of your week goes GAH-reat! Love & miss you all.
<3 M & B