Hello familia & friends!
Have you all started roasting from the heat yet? BECAUSE WE SURE HAVE. There are times, mostly all the time, that I question Korea's supposed four "seasons". I wonder what their definition of seasons are...
"Phew, we are finally out of that 7 month long 'Cold War' winter. Please enjoy the next 2 days of beautiful before the sun comes crashing down."
So, doing our best not to run the A.C.-like I've mentioned for now 3 summers, it is VERY costly. The spectacular..what we call the "Tower", is probably a foot-long wide machine that blows cold air. And unless you are standing about 1 foot away from it..you can't even feel the cold air anywhere in the house. The kitchen is a real doozy come July. You'd think I was a woman in her 15th year of menopause!
The rain is supposed to start kicking in next week for about a month. Not every day, but in and out heavier showers & most importantly..the birth of 6 trillion mosquito's that will be feeding on my entire body. I think I counted 13 on one ARM last week. I question their purpose and existence every second of every day. My first bite of the year back in APRIL..April...why are they alive in April? Was under my eye. So close to my eye that if I were to scratch it it would've made my entire eye swell shut.
On a side note--Korea is pretty in the summer!
You know how we have those "Baby on Board" stickers on our cars in the states? Well..this is a Korean version. They usually have them in either English or Hangul but I just found them humorous. Not only are they so tacky..but they don't put their children in carseats here. I know, WHAT?! But I'm being totally serious. It isn't uncommon when you'll see a infant..6 month old..you get the picture on their lap just bouncing away. There isn't a carseat law here, which is honestly just disgusting. Why can't parents think for themselves? And just by the way they drive! I fear my own life..one thing I will never understand about living here.
I think Korea SERIOUSLY needs a new marketing/editor. I'm going to give it a 90/10 they never get the language correctly. You have to sit and wonder...how much are you spending to produce and distribute these signs? I guess they don't know the difference....? Crazy cats!
Here are some old ladies (or in Korean they call them Ah-ji-ma-s. Technically I'm an ahjima because I'm married, hahaha) tending to the local farm nearby our house. I actually have to pass this stanky thang everyday to & from work. Honestly, especially when it heats up, imagine they gathered around 350 cows and people (yes, people) and said "Alright, take a dump!" There ya have it. That's the smell. There are times I will catch myself saying out loud "OH MY GOSH...that's bad" when I walk past it. But I will give them credit...they can grow things like nothing I've ever seen before. Must be that secret human "ingredient". MmmmmMmmm.
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!!!!! Really? It's June.
So Mr. Fancy Pants right here is giving the outgoing Commander's wife unit flowers (a tradition for both the incoming and outgoing Commanders). Mike's commander is actually getting out of the military and going to Grad school in Chicago and leaves in August. A huge change for his family but they are excited for the new journey. His new commander is Korean (but speaks like..less Korean than I do) and his wife is also. The previous commander and his wife were Korean as well (both speaking fluent Korean). It's an odd coincidence that they both have been but it's a nice perk for a language barrier. I couldn't go to the ceremony because I was at work but glad there are pictures!
Mike is in the dress uniform on the very right of the picture. Just look for something like the Goliath. It's obviously the angle but man..he looks like he could step on some people! But this is Mike's company that service just the V.I.P's of Korea for the United States. They handle all the incoming guests too (like the President, Joint Chiefs, etc.)
So..."clean-eating" is in the title. I'm not sure if you guys have heard of clean-eating & what exactly it entails. Basically, I'm trying to go to a more natural way of cooking/eating without incorporating all of the nasty chemicals, additives and fillers they put in food these days. I won't even go into detail but..it's time to make the change! It's a hard transition..but it's one that I think is healthy conscious and beneficial for us long-term. I transitioned myself to Almond Milk...and that in itself has been a challenge HA! But, being active and healthy is a huge part of my life so I hope to try to stay on this track for good! From time to time I will post recipes that I come across that are keepers (because Lord knows I'm making to make a lot of disgusting stuff LOL)
Say that 10 times fast!
Hope you guys have a great week! Hopefully soon we will be able to venture out somewhere new/different & I'm sure there will be funny stories to be told. Love to all and chat with you soon!