Mike thought it would be a great idea to shovel snow...while it was snowing. About 25 minutes later the snow started picking up more and looked like he never shoveled. I give him an A for effort :)
One of the more funny yet annoying things about living in Korea is the outlet changes as well as the voltage changes. Most of our voltages in the states is 110, in Korea it is 220. In other words, every time we need to plug something into the "wall"..we plug it into one of these. Yes, you read right..if you need to blow dry your HAIR..you plug it into this 1800s era monster. That goes for the dryer, microwave, coffee pot (which Mike hates ;) ), and pretty much everything else under the sun. I have grew to laugh about it and kind of wonder what it will be like once we go back to the states and don't have to use one. Interesting huh?
My little wolf loves to play in the snow..notice Danny is never pictured :)
Have a great Sunday! Love you guys
Yup that plug thing would drive me INSANE !!!