Saturday, May 18, 2013

A little culture...and a new toy


This has been a fairly eventful past 2 weeks.  Both of us (Mike way more than me ;) ) have been busy with work & the normal hustle & bustle of life but fortunately we both could make time to go to the Lantern Festival.  I've wanted to go for now 3 years but we've never had the opportunity.  They put on the lanterns and festivities for about a week, covering Buddha's Birthday, May 17th.  On that day, you can go to any temple and they serve free lunch (just your basic rice with red pepper sauce and mixed vegetables aka "Bee-beem-bop".)  We didn't go on that day but the weekend before.  We went to the local temple in Seoul.  I posted pictures of that one a few months back.  Here's a few shots of the evening...

It was really neat!  We stopped at one of the local cafes on the way home for a coffee and headed home.  I'm glad I could cross that off of my small bucket-list of "Things to See" before we leave.  Mike liked it..but..on the way home he's like "Ok, well, that's done" HA!  It was really tired that day because he had worked till like 3 AM for about 7 days straight.  The life of a soldier ;)

On to the new toy...I finally lost the 4 year battle with Mike.  He has been eyeing this bad boy for sometime now and we just went ahead and took the plunge.  What do you think?

No, I will not be riding on the back until 1) At least 1 year of driving experience and 2)  We are the HECK out of Korea!  It is way too dangerous here..which is why the furthest I've driven in 2 years and 7 months is about 1 mile each way.  My blood pressure would be out of this WORLD..and my gray hairs would grow even more plentiful than they are now.  But he loves it so, Happy Birthday Mike for the next 10 years!  And will be coming with us to Germany.  

So, I have a funny story.  The other day the Korean woman who I work with & also tutor her daughter, asked me if I wore deodorant.  So instantly the first thing that comes to mind is "Umm, doesn't everyone?"  Although, I'm sure we've all experienced people around us or shoot..even when just walking into a store and BAM..someone is stinkin'.  It is always just so obvious.  Well..the more I had thought about it, there really isn't many worse smelling things in this world than a sweating Korean.  Because, well, let's just take a moment & think about this.  They eat fermented cabbage, TONS of seafood (like squid, and other unidentifiable things), seaweed, tons of whole clove garlic..and so much more that's just not even worth mentioning.  So I reply yes and she follows with: 

"Does it make to not sweating?"  

Yes..the English is word-for-word how I am typing. 

Me:  Well..I guess it "reduces" sweat but...we mostly wear it to help not to smell.

Her:  Oh, we no care bout da smell.


Me:  Yea, that's pretty obvious.  When we boarded the subway the other day it smelt like a truck of rotted onions.

Her:  BUSTED out laughing

Can you tell that it is time for us to leave?  I have practically a zero filter at this point so fortunately..she found that funny.

Ohhhh, the memories we will have of living here.  SO irreplaceable :)

Hope you all have a great, happy weekend & we will chat with ya soon!

I came across this quote on a hilarious blog I read...definitely food for thought.

"Let go of the comfortable and embrace the strange and the change. Because every experience you've had in your adult life that made you stronger required you to choose to be uncomfortable."

Love you!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Aviation Formal!

Good evening :o)

We hope everyone is doing spectacular and everything is going well!  Things in "The Land of the Morning Calm" are good...and tensions have seemed to have settled down a bit (if any of you were wondering).  Isn't it a little funny though, how on the news channels you would've thought we were either AT war or war was fast approaching...and now it isn't even really a second thought?  Just shows that they aren't always credible and its' negative focus on things, I believe, has the ability to worsen situations and tensions.  But media is media and that's that!

Exciting things though...Mike only has like 10 days before he can start "officially" filling out paperwork for GeRmAnY!  Oh the joy that brings to my heart, ha!  Just leaving Asia brings joy enough but to think it's almost time for EUROPE.  GET OUTTTT.  So pumped.  So though paperwork can be a pain in the toosh...assuming the military doesn't lose it 3 times, the process should move right along ;)  

So every year, the Aviation group of Korea puts on this very formal, great ball called the AAAA ball (people just say "Quad A")  All the people who are aviation on the entire peninsula come together to celebrate each other as well as each others achievements while serving here.  It's a night to thank the Republic of Korea (ROK) military for being counterparts with us and having a successful joint service team.  The very first 4 Star General EVER in Korea (led the Korean war) was there as a Guest of Honor.  He was the sweetest man and so, so old.  Seriously...I'm assuming late 80's?  He still has his own secret service and what not and gets EXCELLENT treatment (which is totally should).    It was such a fun and special night to celebrate the aviators in Korea :o)

The translating board for the Koreans that were attending...thought that was pretty cool.

Ok, so, this picture might just be like "Oh, who are those people?"  No, THIS man is literally the God of Army Aviation haha.  He is the 4 star General that is in charge of both the U.S. Army as well as the Korean Army (leading Command basically).  Mike was specifically chosen almost 2 years ago to be his personal crew chief throughout his tour here in Korea.  I actually had the opportunity to meet him (he visited the base and bank that I work at).  They are the sweetest, most down-to-earth people.  He is the most senior-ranking Aviator in the entire Army, and he just happens to be leading Command in Korea.  How awesome is that?!  So proud of Mike!

Our third and final sighting of Cherry Blossoms has come and gone for the Sandberg clan.  They were beautiful as always this year, however, do to bizarre winds and off & on chilly, they weren't in bloom much longer than a week..BUT long enough for me to snap some pic-chas!

Spring is here in Korea, FINALLY.  I technically is here but I sit in sweat pants and a hoodie.  UGH.  It's way better than winter but..just isn't quite there yet.  I'm enjoying it though because I know the heat/humidity/rain that is upon us when Monsoon season hits.

Have a great day everyone!!!  The next post will be about the upcoming Buddha's birthday and the lantern festival for we are going to go to at a temple!

Chat with you soon <3